Preview: All-In-One WP Nearby Places
The All-In-One WP Nearby Places plugin is a WordPress plugin which creates and displays nearby places in a modern and stylish layout.
Table of Contents
General features
- Add multiple nearby places
- Add multiple locations
- Add multiple categories
- Custom category icons
- Add locations information
- Add nearby place info
- Add nearby place custom image
- Add custom title for the nearby place
- Assign a nearby place to multiple categories
- Customize all categories title
- Customize all categories icon
- Generate unique map styles via Snazzy Maps
- Set Google Map language
- Hide or show main location
- Custom main location icon
- Built in map search
- Mobile friendly
- Language file provided for translation
Have Suggestions or Feature Request?
If you have a suggestions or a feature request, please dont hesitate to contact me directly. I always try to improve the plugin and will gladly implement your requests if possible. You can submit your feature requests here
Recent Changelog
Version 1.0.0 July 6, 2022
- Initial Release
Click here for full version history
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