Download: Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system Free Nulled

Preview: Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system

Online appointment booking plugin which is supporting Woocommerce, Paypal, Stripe, SMS/Email notifications, reminders, manageable calendar, customizable templates, form-builder, multiple category levels, and many other features.


Booknetic is an appointment booking system for WordPress sites.
With Booknetic Tools, you will 100% automate your business. Booknetic will save you from redundant resources, time-wasting and other risks, your customer base will be collected and your business will be open 7/24 to your customers.
Booknetic which easy to install and use, has a modern UI / UX interface and is ideal for booking of any kind of appointments. With customizable templates, form-builder, multiple category level, and other settings, you can fully customize your booking system to your business.

Paypal, Stripe, local payments:

With the Booknetic plugin, you can benefit from 3 different payment systems.

  1. Local – If you want to get your recipes on the spot from your customers, this solution is up to you. You can activate/deactivate local payment method as you wish in settings.
  2. Paypal – The Booknetic plugin supports the world’s most popular payment tool Paypal. You can activate/deactivate the Paypal payment tool as you wish in your system. By setting up the “Sandbox” mode, you can make test pays also.
  3. Stripe – The Booknetic plugin supports the world’s popular payment system Stripe. You can activate/deactivate Stripe payment tool as you wish in your system.

Multiple locations:

With the Booknetic plugin, you can benefit from 3 different payment systems.
The Booknetic plugin is multi-locations supported. If your company is located at the same time in several locations, you can combine your points on a system by adding each other separately. You can accept separate bookings for each location, you can add staffs for locations and by comparing your locations you can create rating schedule for creating competition between.

Managable calendar:

With an up-to-date interface and informative calendar, you can see your employees’ employment schedule. Whether you choose a monthly schedule or choose a weekly schedule, you can look at the daily schedule. You can also view appointments in the list view through the List view if you want. You can filter appointments based on location, services and stuff.

Multi-level categories:

In the Booknetic plugin, you can create your own services with multi-level service categories. With the perfect structured view, you can easily categorize your business services. Service Module has been created by using the latest design and technology for your convenience.

Customizable design:

With the Booknetic plugin, you can design your front-end booking panel to suit your business colors in any way you like. There are 7 styles available: Default, Brown, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink. You can choose one of the styles you want, or you can create a new template from your own.


With the Booknetic plugin tool, you can customize your custom fields to your business by using the multi-function Form Builder with your Front-end booking pane. You can look at different forms at the same time and select each form for different services..

Easy to translate:

You will be able to translate or change any words in the Booking panel easily. Head over to the Settings > Booking panel > Label menu and enjoy the ease of the visual translating module!

SMS and Email notifications:

You can keep your customers and staff informed with the SMS and Email notifications. You will be able to send notifications when new appointments are created, rescheduled, canceled, or the status of the appointment are changed. Booknetic supports 2 mail gateway; SMTP and WP mail gateways. You will be able to use Twilio service for sending SMS notifications.


You will be able to use variety of payment gateways and WooCommerce opportunities by integrating WooCommerce.

Service extras:

With the Booknetic system , You can connect sub-services – extra services for your services too.

Recurring appointments:

With the Booknetic system, you can keep the booking of your repetitive services in a convenient and superb interface. With the wide-ranging, flexible configurations, you can integrate every type of recurring service of your business into your system.

Export & Import data:

You can easily migrate entire your booking system to another website with Booknetic. The Booknetic system has the built-in Export & Import feature in the Settings section. You can export your entire Booknetic data, configurations, etc., and then import the backup file into the new website. It will help you to build your website in the local machine and migrate the data to the production or migrate your booking system from one domain to another.


v1.8.0 – 16 May 20

- New feature: Front-end Customer Panel. Now, your customers can manage, reschedule, chancel, and change their personal information from their Customer Panel;
- New feature: GDPR compliance. Your customers can delete their account from the Customer Panel;
- New feature: Client time-zone: Now, the plugin enables your customers to book appointments at their time zone;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.7.1 – 12 May 20

- Fixed the bug related to the Woocommerce;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.7.0 – 09 May 20

- New feature: Now, you can add an Any staff option to the Staff step of booking panel. Added an option to select "Auto assignment rule" from settings;
- Added an ability to change the order of the Date & Time step;
- Added an option to set file formats for File inputs of Custom forms;
- Added an option to hide the number of available slots in booking panel;
- Added an option to set a Starting confirmation number from settings;
- Fixed the bug related to the Zoom integration;
- Fixed the bug related to the online payment gateways;
- Fixed the bug related to the recurring appointments;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.6.3 – 02 May 20

- Fixed the bug related to the Customer Import action;
- Fixed the bug related to the Recurring Appointments;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.6.2 – 26 Apr 20

- Added an option to hide extra service duration in front-end booking panel;
- Added an option to hide extra service price in front-end booking panel;
- Fixed the bug related to the Zoom settings;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.6.1 – 25 Apr 20

- New feature: Added an option to Export & Import entire Booknetic Data from settings;
- Added an option to disable/enable sending Google calendar notifications to attendees;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.6.0 – 18 Apr 20

- Integrated Zoom to Booknetic. Now you can automatically schedule your online meetings using the Booknetic plugin.
- Repeat Customers will not be duplicated on your Database. To determine the repeat customer we are using the email + phone number combination.
- Added an option to add Images into your Email notifications;
- Added an option to add Links into your Email notifications;
- Fixed the bug related to the Business hours;
- Fixed bugs related to the styling of the Email notifications;
- Fixed bugs related to the lower version of PHP in the Translator module;
- Fixed bugs related to the Appearance module;
- Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.5.2 – 11 Apr 20

- New feature: Now you will be able to translate or change any words in the Booking panel easily. Head over to the Settings > Booking panel > Label menu and enjoy the ease of the visual translating module!
- Added an option to chose one of the below options for Woocomerce payment gateways:
1. Redirect Customer to cart page;
2. Redirect Customer to the checkout page.
- Added an option to hide the price section in the Confirmation step of the Booking panel;
- Added an option to hide the Discount row in the Confirmation step of the Booking panel;
- Added an option to hide the confirmation number in the finish of the Booking panel;

v1.5.1 – 05 Apr 20

- Fixed the bug related to Coupon filter and "no limit" option;
- Fixed the bug related to Reminders;
- Fixed the bug related to Appearances module;
- Spanish translate has been included in the plugin;
- Added an option to hide/unhide the service extras in the Booking panel;
- Added an option to type manual Currency symbol in Payment settings;
- Added Gender, Birthdate, Note rows to CSV file for Customers module;
- Indian date format ( d/m/Y ) has been added;

v1.5.0 – 22 Mar 20

- Added an option to change the order of the steps;
- - Added a new "Booking panel" setting menu where you can modify your Booking panel configuration, the order of the steps, etc.;
- Added a new "Payment methods" setting menu where you can modify your payment methods settings, change methods order, etc.;
- - Added an option to customize WooCommerce order details message using ready keywords;
- Added an option to change fonts on booking panel;
- - Added an option to modify the height of the booking panel;
- Changed payment methods design in Booking panel;
- - Added an option to choose the start day of the week (Sunday or Monday);
- Added an option to get Appointment info by clicking any event on the Calendar module (for Monthly, Weekly, Daily and List views);
- - Added an option to separate First and Last name inputs in the Booking form;
- Added an option to hide the address of Location in the Booking panel;
- - Added an option to hide the email address of the Staff in the Booking panel;
- Added an option to hide coupon section in the Booking panel;
- - Added an option to hide the "ADD TO GOOGLE CALENDAR" button in the finishing step of the Booking panel;
- Added an option to hide the "START NEW BOOKING" button in the finishing step of the Booking panel;
- - Added an option to set a logo in the Stripe checkout popup;
- Added an option to choose country calling code before the phone number in the back-end form;
- - Added Location and Staff name in the Confirmation step of the Booking panel;
- Fixed the bug related to the booking form scroll;
- - Fixed the bug related to the recurring appointments;
- Fixed the bug related to canceling appointments;
- - Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

v1.4.2 – 12 Mar 20

- Added an option to hide service duration in front-end booking panel;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.4.1 – 11 Mar 20

- Added an option to hide service price in front-end booking panel;
- NEXT STEP button replaced with a FINISH button, in the last step;
- Bugs related to Special days are fixed;
- Bugs related to editing notifications are fixed;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.4.0 – 04 Mar 20

- Added the Reminder feature for appointments;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.3.5 – 29 Feb 20

- Bugs related to Google Calendar 2-way sync are fixed;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.3.4 – 25 Feb 20

- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.3.3 – 24 Feb 20

- Added an option to choose country calling code before the phone number in the booking form;
- Added an option to hide the end time and show only the start time in the booking form;
- The plugin now is fully translatable;
- Russian translate has been included in the plugin;
- Bugs related to the permissions of the staff are fixed;
- Bugs related to UI of the Dashboard are fixed;
- Added an option to filter the Service Category in [booknetic] shortcode;
- Added the ID column in Dashboard, Appointment, Staff, and Locations module;
- Added the "Created At" column in front of each appointment on the Dashboard;
- Bug related to the booking form validation is fixed;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.3.2 – 10 Feb 20

- Added an option to change the Price color in Appearance;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.3.1 – 07 Feb 20

- Added an option to go to the next step automatically after selecting date and time; 
- Fixed bug related to syncing to Google calendar; 
- Fixed bug related to holidays.

v1.3.0 – 29 Jan 20

- Added registration opportunity for Date based appointments;
- Added the option to hide the Confirm Details step;
- Added the option to hide the payment methods selection section;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.2.2 – 06 Jan 20

- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.2.1 – 03 Jan 20

- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.2.0 – 30 Dec 19

+ WooCommerce payment method is integrated;
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.1.3 – 07 Dec 19

- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.1.2 – 03 Dec 19

+ Added "Custom file field URL" keyword in mail and SMS notifications.
+ Added new time formats.
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.1.0 – 22 Nov 19

1. SMS notification

2. Google Calendar 2-way sync.
- Your bookings adding to Google calendar of staffs automatically and events which added to Google Calendar selected as busy in the Booknetic calendar automatically.

3. Staff dashboard.
- Each staff sees own dashboard and information in accordance with established permissions.

4. Deposit payments.
- You can set the deposit payment amount for online payments.

5. Option to filter for Services, Staff, and Locations when adding Booking shortcode. Filtered steps will not show in the booking window. 

6. “Complete payment” function.
- You can complete payment easily by clicking the “Complete payment” button in Deposit payments or in payments that selected Local payment.

7. Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.0.2 – 23 Oct 19

+ Added new Custom field keywords in Mail Notifications.
+ Added new settings: "Hide Staff step if there is only 1 staff".
- Minor improvement and some bugs are fixed.

v1.0.1 – 17 Oct 19

+ Added new keywords for Mail Notifications. List of new keywords is: {appointment_status}, appointment_service_price}, {appointment_extras_price}, {appointment_discount_price}, {appointment_sum_price}, {appointment_payment_method}
- Fixed: The auto-update issue has been solved.
- Fixed: Form builder's issues have been fixed.

v1.0.0 – 02 Oct 19

 - Initial Release

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Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Why do we use it?

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using Content here, content here, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for lorem ipsum will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Where does it come from?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..”, comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Where can I get some?

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which dont look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isnt anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

Booknetic - WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system

Download Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system Nulled

Download Booknetic – WordPress Appointment Booking and Scheduling system

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